There may be different reasons why you want to use Strato HiDrive S3. There is a developer API for the REST interface, but you can also use the AWS CLI. In my opinion, using the CLI is much easier, so here are some hints to doing so.

Step 1: Download the AWS CLI using the link above for your system. Please follow the installation instructions and test the installation:

$ aws --version
aws-cli/2.4.25 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.4.0 exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off

Step 2: Create a bucket using the HiDrive S3 console:

Step 3: Create an access key using the console:
Crucial: Write down/store the displayed access key somewhere. If you forget it, you need to create a new one (which is no problem).

Step 4: Configure the AWI CLI using the newly created access key:
Note: don’t change the default region to another value than eu-central-1!

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <value>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <value>
Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]: 

Step 5: Make your life a little easier and set an alias as following (so you don’t need to enter the full command each time):

$ alias strato="aws --endpoint-url"

Step 6: Now you’re ready to use the AWS CLI with your Strato HiDrive S3:

$ strato s3api list-buckets
    "Buckets": [
            "Name": "demobucket",
            "CreationDate": "2022-03-13T19:59:54.616000+00:00"
    "Owner": {
        "ID": "xyz"

$ strato s3 cp file.txt s3://demobucket
upload: ./file.txt to s3://demobucket/file.txt    

$ strato s3 ls s3://demobucket
2022-03-13 21:19:37          5 file.txt

$ strato s3 cp s3://demobucket/file.txt .
download: s3://demobucket/file.txt to ./file.txt   

$ strato s3 rm s3://demobucket/file.txt 
delete: s3://demobucket/file.txt